Sunday, February 26, 2012


Looking for a soft, cuddly, huggable new friend? Want a specific plush but can't find it in stores? Well, you're at the right place! Plushiluv is a homemade brand that specializes in made-to-order plush toys.

Have a look in my Gallery to see what I've made before, look at my commission info if you're interested  in a plush made to your specifications, check out my Tutorials if you want to make your own plush, or simply shoot me an e-mail at if you have any questions not answered in the FAQ!

Wanna know when I'll be taking new commissions but don't want to keep checking my websites? Send an email to with "mailing list" in the subject line to be added to the list of people who will get a notification whenever I'm about to re-open my commissions or update my stores!

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